It's their lucky rabbit paw. They are superstitious not rational. They don't read the Bible so as to get the sense of it. Therefore, only when something affects them personally is there any hope of them leaving.
I have know at least 2 elders get jumped on by the other elders for blowing the whistle on child abuse. One of them died with his boots on, the other is being gently encouraged to walk away from the cult. Will he? Wont he? Place your bets.
I know one who, as a youth was taken through their baptism questions by at least two paedophiles. Rest assured the whole family remains in.
The likes of me get thrown out because I know the organsation is blaspheming and that is matter of serious concern to me. But not to them. They consider Jehovah to be a liar but let Lett be true. Of course they never say it like that and if you said it to them they'd say, "how long have you felt like this? May I encourage you to speak to the elders about this."